Happy New Year & Carry on Zooming Pilates!
Hello to you all
I hope you enjoyed a lovely Christmas and were able to take some time to both celebrate and relax. I received some lovey thoughts, messages and cards from my lovely class members and my husband, Mum and I had a really nice time. I am now very much looking forward to a New Year and to welcoming in the spring season. It is coming very soon....as is my brand new spring term of Pilates.
What an enormous surprise!
Before I go on to tell you about our spring term, I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to whoever it was who so very kindly nominated me as an Active Harborough Hero 2020. When I found out, it was such a surprise that I thought there must have been a mistake....but no! It was definitely true and to my further surprise, I then popped up in the Harborough Local Sport Alliance's December advent calendar of nominees on the 26th December!! Thank you so much once again to whoever went to the time and trouble to nominate me. It was definitely a first for me and if you would like to have a little read you can via the link below:
Carry on Zooming - Spring Term Pilates
Initial dates for your diary: Tuesday 5th January - Saturday 13th February 2021
If you would like to join me for a really good stretch and a fire up of all those wonderfully relaxed muscles Pilates classes will be back in full swing after the Christmas break starting next Tuesday 5th January. I will be carrying on zooming for at least the first six weeks of the spring term, until we see where life takes us thereafter.
The arrangements and my class timetable are exactly the same as before, including the Zoom login details for each of the classes if you already have them.
I know that some people have been accessing our On Demand video library over Christmas, so I am really pleased it has been useful. There are more than 100 videos in there now! The access password will remain the same until the next change on the evening of Monday 4th January.
Spring Term Pilates Booking Information
6 weeks Unlimited Zoom Pilates Class Pass and / or access to my On Demand video library = £57
If you do not already have my business bank details to be able to pay via BACS please drop me a line and I will send you the information you need. If you prefer to pay by cheque just let me know to expect it, so that I can set you up on my class and video library register. Thank you!
If you have not already joined my Pilates classes, would like to return after a bit of a break, or even if you have had an aversion to zooming and want to give it a go after all, just get in touch to have a chat.
Pilates at The Coach House
I am so delighted to have been able to use The Coach House on a Saturday morning for my classes during the latter part of the autumn. Such a lovely, peaceful and unusual venue, so I am even more delighted to say that I am able to continue using it going forward. I can free up my studio for my husband and I get to leave the house for a little commute across the valley!
Beginners Pilates - The Sequel
I was also really pleased to be able to host a Beginners course last term. So with the New Year upon us, I would like to continue with these Beginners classes from Saturday morning 9th January from 10.30 - 11.30am.
Classes are ideal for beginners to Pilates, as well as a refresher for anyone who has done Pilates before and would like to take it up again, or in fact if anybody who would just like to join a class which is more gentle and restorative in pace.
The booking arrangements are exactly the same as those outlined above and again, all you need to do is contact me directly to reserve your place.
And finally.....
Finally I would like to say thank you so much for such support, joviality and friendship during 2020 - whether that has been on Zoom, a chance meeting in a Waitrose car park or by receiving a lovely message, card or email. I wish you all a really Happy, Healthy and brighter New Year and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Please click on the link below!
Cheerio for now!
Best wishes always
Jane x
This entry was posted on December 28, 2020