Claire's Raisin and Rosemary Bread!
I just had to share this with you even though I know that it is absolutely nothing really to do with Pilates!
One of the most enjoyable aspects of teaching my classes on Zoom has been the lovely interaction between people before we start our Zoom classes. For example, one Thursday morning one of my long term class members Claire (who is clearly a marvellous cook) was telling us all about her fabulous Raisin and Rosemary Bread recipe.....and her enthusiasm had us all smiling all the way into our warm-up!
Well, I was absolutely delighted to see that Claire kindly shared the recipe on our What's App group and I thought that it would be just lovely to share it here too. Thank you very much Claire!
Claire's Raisin and Rosemary Bread
1 yeast sachet
25g sugar
500g strong flour (white/wholemeal/other all mixed)
35g butter
30g malt extract
2 x teaspoons ground dried rosemary
350mls water (or two thirds water and 1 third milk)
200g raisins soaked overnight in water, drained and patted dry – or soak in boiling water for an hour or two
Fresh rosemary to sprinkle on top before baking
Mix all ingredients except raisins and fresh rosemary into a dough and knead - or put in a bread-maker. Allow to prove until double in size. Knock back the dough adding the raisins until incorporated. Place dough in a tin and sprinkle the fresh rosemary on the top. Prove once again in the tin before baking in a hot oven at 190 fan for around 40 mins or until cooked.
Claire's notes:
Depending on the flour, you can sometimes use less water, but it rises better if slightly loose, so you can always knead more flour in before the second prove step if it seems a bit wet.
Regarding mix of white to wholemeal, always make sure the amount of white bread flour is the larger proportion to get a good rise.
For the tin preparation, I suggest buttering the inside then throwing a small about of flour in to make a thin layer - then the bread won't stick. I use either a 10 inch circular cake tin or an oval one that I happen to have.
This entry was posted on October 12, 2020